Remington prided themselves on a unique design feature in their Noiseless Portable line of a rounded panel above the keyboard. Remington combined a new speed writing mechanism with noiseless operation plus other features not offered in many portables of the day. Weighing in at less than 16 pounds, it's a true workhorse of a portable. Workers and writers of the day appreciated this machine for its fast, effortless typing. The model 7 was a larger version of the Noiseless Portable with a full size paper table, a tabulator, plastic key tops and a long horizontal carriage return lever. Remington built a "Streamlined" version of the model 5 identical in mechanics as the boxier version except Remington, like many manufacturers, followed the latest trend of the time and designed an Art Deco look. These machines continue to be true monuments to American design and style epitomizing an era long past.